U.S. Award: $504 million for ‘Tech Hubs’ in Respected Areas
The Biden management provided $504 million on Tuesday to a dozen projects throughout the usa
The grant will fund “technology hubs” aimed at bolstering critical technology manufacturing in places like western Montana, central Indiana, southern Florida and upstate New York.
Advocates say the projects will help create “well-paying” jobs and access underutilized labor and resources across the country.
One of the beneficiaries Tuesday was a Tulsa, Okla.-based business aimed at developing drones and other systems for consumers
Tulsa has a drone port with labs where various weather conditions can be simulated for drone testing.
Jennifer Hankins, executive director of Tulsa Innovation Labs, who leads the Tulsa project
The Tulsa project, which received $51 million, said the program will help reduce the state’s dependence on independent and complementary foreign technologies.